Thursday, April 17, 2008

The 2008 Elections and the "red" Finns of the Iron Range

When we look at the candidates we have before us today as compared to the courageous politicians that were supported by the "red" Finns of the Iron Range we sure have some terrible and pathetic choices in front of us.

The "red" Finns helped send Communist John T. Bernard of Eveleth to the United States Congress in 1936; today, we have a decrepit, cowardly and corrupt James Oberstar.

Sixty-thousand jobs lost on the Range during Oberstar's reign of corruption and he still manages to get elected; go figure.

Our waters and air polluted beyond use with one of the largest cancer clusters in the United States.

A once powerful United Steelworkers Union that has been taken over by the corporations; if not directly, then ideologically to the point where it is almost impossible to tell a union "leader" from the plant manager.

Almost a third of all the iron ore mined on the Range in the last one-hundred years has gone towards manufacturing weapons for war or rebuilding from the destruction from wars.

There has to be a better way.

We once had a vast network of "red" Finn Cooperative Stores; now we have Wal-marts, K-mart and Target robbing people.

If any of us perpetrated the kind of robbery taking place at the gas pumps we would be in prison.

Our grand parents and parents have left us some unfinished business... the courageous "red" Finn Gus Hall laid it all out for us.

Get rid of capitalism and build a socialist U.S.A.

Hall was right.

We need to roll up our sleeves and get to work.

The Iron Range Club of the Communist Party invites you to discuss the struggles ahead.

Our intent is to bring forward the issues of importance to working class people on the Iron Range.

Jeff Sippila, Chair, Iron Range Club CPUSA
Sally Stone, Secretary
Marvin Thompson, Treasurer